How to design clean UI? 8 Rules of Clean UI Design

How to design clean UI? 8 Rules of Clean UI Design


Clean UI design is a type of user interface design that focuses on minimalism and simplicity. It is based on the idea that users should be able to complete tasks quickly and easily without any unnecessary distractions or complexity. Clean UI designs often feature flat colors, clear typography, and simple layouts that prioritize user experience. As a design philosophy, clean UI strives to create an environment that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple. What's the point of having too many effects and styles if your aim is to create a clean design? Too many effects can really mess up your design and you won't be able to scan the content later on.

Balance & alignment

Never forget that everything you put on the page is weighty. Weight can be determined by color, size, or texture. Without moderation, your audience will feel as if their eye is popping out of the page.

White space

All other design principles relate to what you add to your design. White space (or negative space) is the only one that is directly responsible for what you do not add. The white space is the same a blank page around the elements in your design.

Be consistent

Consistent Ul means using similar design patterns, identical terminology in prompts, homogenous menus and screens, and consistent commands throughout the interface.

Typography systems
Create tidiness and structure with consistent rules for font- sizes. Just like weights, a small difference in size between two types of type may distort contrasts and hierarchy. Their rules will quickly blend into each other.

Use less colours

The same applies here. The fewer colors are the better. Try to pick 2-4 colors and stick with those. It is easier to use just a couple of colors consistently throughout your design.

Make readable titles

It is important to have a really strong hierarchy between your elements. This way, you can guide the user's eye from the most important things to the less important ones.


Strong visual hierarchy is a core design principle of a successful user interface. It consists of arranging visual elements in a way that explains the level of importance of each element and guides users to take the desired action.

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UI DesignUX Design, UI and UX Design, UI and UX Tips, Clean UI in UI Design, Clean UI, Figma {fullWidth}

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